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Available only in English - Description seulement disponible en anglais :
Notebook 3.5 X 5
Contains content geared towards:
- Ambulance, Emergency, Fire
- Guidelines on 'saying nothing' when being questioned by media
- Interview techniques for victims and/or witnesses
- Important telephone numbers
- Emergency procedures
- Time conversion table
- First aid notes
- Note taking hints
- First aid responder guide
- Fire observations guide
- Metric conversion tables
- Phonetic alphabet
Common Features in all Triform Notebooks:
1. 200 writing pages, with every page numbered, 1 to 200, offering tighter control and exact page referencing. This better system replaces folio numbering of one side only, 1 to 100
2. All pages have horizontal rulings with a vertical Day/Time/Key Word column at the left
3. Sewn Construction Binding prevents pages from falling out and allows for easier writing
4. Your written notes stand out because of faint blue tint ink colour of ruled lines